Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

A day after a shitey week

Dude was a crappy week.

I still dunno what I'm gonna do about tutoring.

I reported that teacher to the head of the department, so I feel a little better about that, but I'm still kind screwed cause that bastard's the only tutor avaliable during my most convinent time to get help.

I got a shite load of math homework, I thought this was supposed to be easier since I don't have the whole rushed thing goin on...


I think my one month Cher count down should start next week. woooooooooooo.

Kinda sad thats my highlight today huh?

I'm behind on all my writing and replies in my groups, but I'm so pissed at the world I don't give a flyin poo.

I dunno why I'm pissed, just am. Kinda like a "it's my por-oga-tive" kinda thing I guess... *shrugs*

The whole house is kinda pissed right now tho, with all the "stuff" mom and Ernie are gettin at work, tain't no one really happy this week.

I'm not as tired today, but I'm still pushin the state of bein pooped.

I think that's becomin my key word lately, poo.

I got a thing for sayin poo and I don't know where the hell it came from...

I don't know anyone else who said it before I did... I don't think I have any movie quotes that involve it... just kinda added itself to my regular vocabulary...

Anyhoosit...thats another new word for me, but I kinda made it up.... not a whole lot to say, my brain's kinda fried so I'm not really into thinkin about too much, if anything, right now.

harlemrain at 1:35 pm

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