Monday, Feb. 03, 2003

F***in math turor

PTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!! Big freakin middle finger right here for Norman Tucker!! Frickin ass monger!

I'm sorry, but you don't make sexist comments to ANY student male or female and you sure as hell shouldn't take such a risk with someone you don't know.

Ya know, I really didn't want to go to a fuckin math tutor in the first place, but I need this class and I want a good grade so I sucked up my pride, did my best to conquor my phobia, gave up my own free time and went to ask for help.

Instead I got this fart knocker.

I know I'm not good at math, hints that fact that I was there to see a damn MATN TUTOR, but ya know what that doesn't warrent treating me like an idiot, especially since I could probably wipe the floor with you in the Music, English, and Art departments. You've got one, I've got at least three...I'm not stupid, I'm just not very good at math.

Anyhoosit, after over two hours of blowin off a snide tone and small remarks, I was reachin my limit with this old fucker.

Then I had to yawn. I'm tired, big damn deal.

Dude has the testicular foritude or lack of brains, maybe even both, to go,

"You gotta stay fresh today, aren't you gonna go work at Jezebel's tonight?"


Excuse you??

First I'm an idiot because I don't understand algebra and now I'm a fuckin stripper because I'm stupid? Or is it just that I'm a female?

That was so wrong I'm gonna smite the bastard for several life times.

Mess with Nigel and you get the horns asshole.

Dude I'm pissed off....

harlemrain at 4:09 pm

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