Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003

Sting can keep his Tantra, I don' want it

Today sucks...helping my grandparents sucks...my dad sucks...school sucks...my headache sucks... being tired sucks...today just sucks....

I don't have my homework done because I spaced it out. I don't think I should have to do this crap anyway. My new age, Tantra loving Human Sexuality teacher expects was to read this retarded, slow, uninteresting book by this geeky couple who found Tantra and now think they're experts.

She wants us to read sections of it and then write her a review on what he got from that section.

I can tell you what I'm getting from this stupid thing...nothing.

Zip, zilch, nadda, not one stinkin thing.

I don't need tantra...I don't even have sex.

Tantra just doesn't seem like its gonna be the same two person connect with just me...

I tried to read the first section and lost any interest I had quickly, now because I have no interest, I'm probably not going to do every well at reading this book.


I've been wanting to do that all day. My day off and people manage to make it suck ass for me, how frickin wrong is that?

I'm goin to bed.

harlemrain at 11:04 pm

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