Monday, May. 10, 2004

Another entry in the name of procrastination

I had a nice long, thought out, full of this weekends happenings, feelings and stuff entry here...but then Explorer decided to be the bee-otch it's been this weekend and closed with out asking..thus my entry is now lost somewhere in cyber-space like a small child in a mall.

Good news though is that Woody again helped me with my woes and helped me figure out what spyware and adware to download and I think my computer's already feeling better.

I'm too tired to type all that agin so quick recap here:

Saturday was spent with Grandma Etta finding assisted living... I pray to God I never have to put my parents in one of those places alone... That was sad and depressing, but we did find on Grandma seemed enthusicastic about so I guess it'll all be ok.

I feel kinda like a turd cause I've told my mom what she should be expecting in the mail sometime this week for Mother's day..I dunno why but I'm really bad at keeping gifts I getf or people a secret... I always wanna hurry and give em to em or tell them what it is...

Today was spent with the maternal grandparents, grandma made comments about both my mother and I's weight and my purple hair dispict the fact that we ovbiously didn't care what she thought about any of it.

Pfffffft say I to you mean old lady, just pffffffffft.

(Oooooo Bon Jovi video on TV... ha It's My Life fitting for this part of the entry no?)

On the topic of Bon Jovi... take a look see at this . Heh, Dr. Sambora... that could be fun...

I think I'd rethink my decision not to go for a while...

Who the hell gave Jon Bon Jovi permission to be hot?

I've been watching All McBeal reruns on the weekends for a month now since he's been on and dammit spudmonkey's been hot, charming, and fantasmic...


I've always has a love/hate relationship with him. He does seem like a good guy...even though he supported Gore and now Kerry (Ew Jon...Ew!)

But damn if he ain't fun to make fun of.

Ok, I outta got o bed so I can get up and write a paper before school tomorrow.

7 class periods left yos...wooooo

harlemrain at 12:59 am

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