Wednesday, Jun. 29, 2005

Ramblings of a tried travler

I need time to slow down a bit here.

I'm like super psyched about going to Woody's this weekend, but my rooms have exploded in mess and chaos.

It stormed most of the afternoon. It was kind of nice unti I had to go out into it and chase our trash cans down the street.

Dear Trashmen,

While I appreciate that our service is free. I still think that simply throwing the trashcans in the street is beyond being careless. I also think your diva fits over boxes and number of bags is a bit much when you won't take one box or two extra bags. Being ass munches doesn't make us want to pay you.

Still a customer though I don't pay,

Tenant of Upstairs Hoffman Ave

Brownies cook fast, God help me not to kill Captain.

PMS must be in full swing.


harlemrain at 6:36 pm

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