Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005

I haven't cried yet... yet

I'm currently in one of the fowlest moods anyone on the face of the planet has ever been in.

I had plans to get seven good hours of sleep, get up, shower, go to the doctor, and come home.

I got 5 hours of sleep before I was awoken by the meter guy, who apparently didn't see that we have a front door to our house so we probably don't use the fucking back door.

Luckily I didn't meet him face to face or I probably would have let loose a string of prfanities about Ohio natives and their IQs.

When awoken from a deep sleep I usually have a window of about ten minutes to deal with whatver woke me up and to get back into a comfortable position to go back to sleep, otherwise I'm up and usually more than slightly unhappy.

Knowing this, I tossed the stupid meter card on the counter, calmed the dog down and went back up stairs to bed.

Just as I was about to settle in and drift back off...


Me: *grumble, snort, cuss, grab phone* *in a barely pleasent tone* Hello?

Captain: Hi there! I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm home and on the basement... didn't wanna scare ya *tries to make a malicious sound, then laughs at himself* Did I scare ya?

Me:... ... ... no

Captain: Aw, ok. Well just so you know I'm home!

Me:... did you by any chance hear someone banging on the back door and the dog going nuts?

Captain: When?

Me: *eye twitches* Like five minutes ago...

Captain: No, who was it?

Me: *seriously not wanting to have this conversation right now* The meter reader guy

Captain: What did he want?

Me: ... ... ... to read the meter

Captain: Did you talk ot him?

Me: No, I missed him, so I left the card...

Captain: Why didn't he just read it?

Me: *wondering if he's really this dense* Because we have to let him in?

Captain: Why?

Lauren: *slightly annoyed* The meter;s in the basement, like right across from your desk.

Captain: It is? *laughs* I had no idea!

Me: ...

Captain: So now what?

Me: We probably do what mom talked about a month ago and read the meter our selves and mail the card back to them.

Captain: *whines* Oh we have to do it??

Me: ... *blink* *blink* ... yeah

Captain: Oh ok. Well I just wanted to let you know I was here.

Me: ... 'kay

Captain: Bye!

Me: *click*

I spent ten minutes on the phone with him.

My eyes were now focusing and my stomach was threatening to turn sour.

I hoped that maybe.. jusy maybe, it I tuned the world out quickly enough, I could still go back to sleep.

I was so close to. In fact I felt myself slipping into to sleep when all of a sudden I had a fuzzy face and quizzical meow all up in my business.

Me: Not now Bizzy, momma's not really awake.

Bazy: *you are now yo* Pffff *stomp on am, stomp on breast, stomp on sore stomach* Mer-ow?

Me: *whimpers* Please kitty... noooo

Bazy: *twirl in circles, half on mom, half on mom's hugging pillow, kneeding*

Me: You suck

Bazy: *plop down, ass in mom's face, looks back* Huh?

Of course every half inch I tried to move to get comfortable around her, she had to stand up and completely rearrange herself.

I finally got tired of the continous kitty mammogram and felt my stomach turn sour and got up.

I can still save today I promised myself.

I'll type a nice ranty diary entry and let it all go before my shower... I'll be fine

I think spent 20 minutes tryin to get my computer to boot correctly and find an internet connection.

It seemed no connection would be found so I decided to type my entry up in word and update it again later when I got home from the doctor.

I opened word to find some funky "Asian" layout before me.

Apparently when I downloaded a friend's paper, I also downloaded the and installed the format it was typed in and it is now my "normal" format.

I almost cried.

I didn't wanna download the paper in the first place... I don't like proff reading anyway *whimper* *near sob* Today sucks!


I'm going to shower now and I'm going ot give today one last chance to work out for me before I call the hwole thing off and go back to yesterday.

It's just really fucking wrong to have two bad days in a row when you stay home all day.

harlemrain at 12:52 pm

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