Sunday, May. 16, 2004

I'm sorry Daddy!!!

Holy turd in the punch bowl!!!

I just got off the phone with Kim. I actually called to speak to my dad, but keeping with his great communication with me I didn't know he was out of town, thus I was chatted to by Kim.

Apparently my former step-monster has again popped up in my dad's life and sent him a long e-mail about how sorry she is for th horrible person she was, blah blah lala lala la lalala la, and ended it saying she had some of his stuff she wanted to give back (more like she has a house full of his stuff and is giving a handful of things back)so she asked him to lunch.

Kim starts goin on a tirade about how Kyrsti's sooooo "goddamned" outta place to be askin this.

Well I'm feelin a bit uncomfortable because KIm is reading me this letter fom my dad's private e-mail.

Kim then proceeds to read me my dad's private responce.

Oh how uncomfortable The Lauren do be.

Well my dad agreed to lunch.

2 years of saying "Go the fuck away you sanky, cheating bitch from Satan's bowls" and now he wants to go grab a sandwich.

Kim has jealousy issues.

Kim proceed to screech like a Banchee in my ear for 5 minutes.

I thought I was talkin to Ashley or somethin...

Kim then askes me what I think.

Well The Lauren thinks daddy can do what ever the hell he wants cause he's 40 fuck years old and she ain't his momma.

The Lauren also thinks that Kim needs to get some help for her trust issues and see that my dad is not her cheating bastard of an ex-husband and remember that my dad despises his second wife more than the Jews hated Jesus.

The Lauren curious to know why he's goin to lunch, but The Lauren trusts him to be a good boy and end the lunch with a big ol "Fuck off" to the she beast from Hell.

What the Lauren actually said was...

"... ... ... ummmmm.... I dunno..."

"He lied to me, I asked him to go to lunch of Thursday and he said he was goin with JImmy, so now he's lied and hide this from me..."

Gee I wonder why he wasn't eager to share this...


"Well maybe you could somehow bring it up and mention you're feelings of being uncomfortable with it..."

We went back and forth for probably 15 minutes, me trying to defend my dad's honor and remind her that theres nothing to jealous of...

I dunno what's gonna happen.

Yeah I've been pissed off at my dad for a few weeks now, but I never wanted to do anything like this...

I don't like causin trouble and I don't like bein in the middle of my dad's fights with his crazy wives.

Thanks for the Krysti moment Kim.


harlemrain at 3:04 pm

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