Friday, May. 14, 2004

Team work sucks

I've got a headache and Heather isn't even here yet.

I've got low hopes for this project.

It could have been wonderful...fantastic even.

But seeing how it basicially relied on me getting it done right in the midst of everything else I'm doing it's probably going to suck.

I have ideas, but I don't want to be the soul worker here and I'm pretty sure I will be.

I've told her WE need to get this done and WE need to do good work and WE need to put in the same amount of effort and she agrees and tells him how right I am and then she starts bitching and babbling about some young actor she thinks is hot and I'm left being the bad guy because I want to get our work done.

I'm getting agitated thinking about what could happen today.

I'm gonna go clean the front room and try to burn some of this energy, wish me luck.

harlemrain at 3:21 pm

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