Monday, Nov. 15, 2004

I hate (insert weekday here), I wanna shoot the whole day down....


And I was slightly wrong, everything is no easier. I know have prolly four at the most to sleep this morning then I have to get up, go to school, hope this guy shows up so I can thank him repeatedly and give him this paper, and then I have rto come home vaccum and study for an impossibles test.

I really really want at least a B on this one, I've been luck on tests so far this semester, but now were getting into the years that I don't know much about because public schools seem to have forgotten they every happened and thus never teach students about anything from 1946 on...

I also have 5 articles left to do along with three assignments due Thursday.

Plus my body is trying to come down with some make me dizzy, puking, diaherria thing that cost me three hours of work time this afternoon.

This week already has me exhausted.

I'm going to bed before I have another hyper-ventilating crying fit again.

harlemrain at 5:31 am

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