Saturday, Dec. 27, 2003

I bet I could fill the holes in the world with my mountain of snotty kleenex....

Ok, so I slept 18 hours yesterday and as a result my still very sick, crabby, drugged up self can't sleep.

I've even taken nitequil...

So as a result of all of this you get this entry... what ever the hell it turns out to be...

First off I want to point out that I am currently the funniest I have ever been in my entire life.


I�m funny shite peoples� you can�t touch this�

I told myself a joke an hour ago�still laughing at it�

I�d tell you too� but I forgot it�

Have you ever studied your feet? Feet freak me out�seriously, they�re freaky things...freaky feet.

My feet are seriously freaky, first off, they�re shrinking�

I�ve gone down a size and a half in the past 3 years.

I used to wear a size 10 and � and now I�m down to a 9�

And I�m only 5�3�

I don�t have feet, I have snow skis�

What�s more I�m have the worstest balance in the world� you�d think with this foundation I�d be rock solid�nope� all my ass all that damn time�

My mom has duck feet� I think her toes are webbed too� she won�t let me check though�

You what�s scary?

Hearing Mike Nesmith say �Sexy beast�

It�s even weirder to know he says it about a car he had almost 40 years ago�

He had an affair with a chick named Nurit�

Hahahahahahahahahahaha Nurit�.

He�s still my hero though�and he�s like chair man/creator of the world�


Michael Nesmith for President in 2004.

He�s written like half the songs in the world and gets royalties for em�. Every time a radio sings Michael Nesmith gets his blings�..

MTV� created it...sold the idea for a gazillion dollars�

That American Film Institute thing that does that 100 greatest movies ever that was on TV along with running most of Hollywood� trustee/ vice-chairman� I dunno if he makes money there so we�ll just say he does and its like bazillions�.

The Gihon Foundation� this huge chief mucky muck important people get together and fix the world and we give money to chicks with ideas cause we�re cool and rich and can do that� chair man� can do it for free cause he�s got cabillionzlliontrillions of dollars from everything else he does�

His mom created liquid paper�. he inherited a buncha millions from her estate when she passed away (its not cool she passed away, that�s sad, but still the millions count)�.

The best music video Grammy� created for Elephant Parts�

He also came up with the first concept video� made cagillions

He runs his own web site ( where he sells everything he�s ever released�makes bazillions�

And then there was�.

Wait, momma�s comin�

Hey lookee thar ya�alls it�s 8:30 already�

Ok, randomness is over�

On here anyway, lord knows what may fly outta my mouth during the day�.

This was kinda fun�

I wanna do it a�gan�. But now I gotta show my nail lady how good I did this time with not rippin my nails off�.

harlemrain at 8:32 am

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