Thursday, Nov. 21, 2002

Ordinary world

"And I don't cry for yesterday, there's an ordinary world that I have to find...." Duran Duran

I feel somewhat normal today.

Still have yet to finish my research paper, but I'm seriously lacking in the academic drive department.

Evening kinda sucked since my dad had to cancel dinner to work late. But I kinda figured something like that was gonna happen, the start of the day was too positive, I knew it...

Bazy's starting to adapt to a new routine. She still refuses to leave the bedroom and hides under the bed most of the time when the door's open, but at least I've seen her eat. I dont think I've screwed her up too much after all, maybe the kitty does stand a chance.

Not a whole bunch on my mind today, which is actually a nice change of pace, may I'll be able to sleep tonight and actually feel rested tomorrow. There's a first time for everything I suppose...

harlemrain at 10:22 pm

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