Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003

Still don't trust Tuesday

I'm tired.

Actually I'm exhausted.

The weekend wasn't much to write about, so I didn't.

I figured skipping a few days owuld be better than having two or three pages of junk that I'll look back on in a few days and go "What the hell is that for?"

Yesterday was fine expect for the part of the afternoon where I nearly became a murderer.

Picture it, it's around noonish and I'm in my American Literature up to 1800 (or somethin)class.

As expected Heather it sitting beside me.

I made sure it obvious that I'm ingrossed in the crap our teacher forced us to read of the holiday, for once she sems to take the hint and leaves me alone.

Then class starts...and so does she.

It starts slow, a question here and there about the reading we were supposed to do and she didn't.

Then she gradually picked up her pace, I decide to not respond, maybe she'll shup up or better yet disappear...

No, she just talks more and nudges me to get my attention.

It's not like the teacher was giving us improtant information or anything and I'm certainly not in class to learn.

No, of course I'm here to talk to Heather, yes thats why I work so hard to keep my scholarship so I can come to class and talk to Heather.

About and hour into class I finally motion that I'm listening ot the teacher and not her.

Again she appears to take a damn hint.

Then she starts giving her opinion (on stuff she did not read I remind you) to everyone in the class.

I dunno whats worse, just me having ot listen to her "intelligent" comments, or everyone hearing them and therefore knowing that my "friend" is a "genius".

Mr. Tash is talking about creation stories and wants to know how its simliar to Gensis in the Bible.

Heather, being such a genius, starts talking about Jesus' birth.

I dunno what ya'll were taught, but I was taught that Adam and Eve were the peoples involved in creation and that Jesus wasn't involved in much for like hundreds of years at least.

We have a nice teacher tho, so he said she had a point and moved on...

She then in turn began yanking my ear off so in a final act of annoyance I held my hand up and as obnoxiously as possible went "Shhh shhhhhhhhhhh shoooosh!"

She chuckled a bit, but it was obvious I'd ticked her off.

But I don't really give a fling of poo cause it shut her up and heh, my teacher saw it and I saw dude hide a smile.


I got up (barely)

I went early

I saw

I listened to Mr. MaGoo-Howell talk about the first Amendment.

Now I'm going to watch Trading Spaces on BBC America because I adore this channel and Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.

Not a bad day for a Tuesday...watch it Tuesday, I'm watchin you...

harlemrain at 3:44 pm

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