Monday, Nov. 22, 2004

There's no place like home

I must have watched "The Wizard of Oz" three or four times this weekend.

Even though it's a cliche' most people around here are sick of, I still love that movie to pieces.

Ohio's not all that bad.

It actually looked a lot like home, but it then it didn't.

I don't know if it will be "home", but I think I can get comfortable enough to live their happyily, even if only for a while.

I'm not sure it it's Kansas I'll miss as home or just my familar place.

I announce kow that I will most likely do anything possible notto have to directly travel with Captain Poopy Pants ever again.

On the way there he threw a slightly understandable hissy fit because the airline put here and I on standby while mom was given a seat on the plane, he loudly insulted two eldery people in wheelchairs, and basically everything I said and did was so drastically stoopid he had to make sure to correct me.

We arrived at the hotel to find that because he didn't check ahead we were stuck with one room for the three of us.

That worked when I was 10, but now I'm 20 and I want my own room, seriously, I'll pull a Dave Coulier and sleep in the frickin closet, but I will not slep in a bed located directly next to my step-father.

We're from Kansas not the Arkansas Mountains.

He asked me later what was wrong with me and I mentioned my own room and he made several "jokes" about not being good enough fo rme and then told me not to act so "spoiled".

Look here ass munch, I kow how you like to sleep. We fight over this at home when you decide to stroll around the house at night.

If I dpn't want to be in the same house with you nekkid why the fuck would I want to sleep in a bed next to you that way??

Think about it genius.

House hunting was slightly mind numbing.

I was trying ot take in as much of the different parts of city as possible, see if I could figure out where thinsg were in hopes of being able to get around some time before next December, and I was trying to keep my hope alive after seeing One nice house and 6 homes that look kind of like they came from Oaklawn (our local gehtto). 2 of them smelled of urine (I'm not so sure it was pet urine), two we didn't even go into, and another one was just too horrific to relive.

We kinda looked at one that we agreed before going to Ohio had serious potential for us, it was in an amazing part of "Historical" Down Toledo. It was beautiful, we have a smaller version of it here that I'v always wished we could live in.

We didn't get a good look at either level (it was a duplex), because the owner was there cleaning and the first time we showed, apparently we were three hours early for an appointment I didn't know about, the sceond time we were 10 minutes early and she was equally as unhappy to see it.

Mom and I agreed that she didn't seem to want to leave her home and was probably in a situation where she has no choice but to sell.

Looking back I think it's a bit of fate too, the area looked to be one where mainly blacks lived.

I'm not prejudice, I'll say that right now, but I am smart enough to know that blacks and whites tend to have different cultures, thats just the way it is.

I can live very happily in a multi-cultural area, I just don't think it would be welcomed for our family to be the one element that made this area multi-cultured, especially with my step-father.

The house we found is nice, the space we have in it is going to be packed, but I think we can live in it and be happy.

I'm not so sure about the area though.

It's a little suburb, set off away from the city with "friendly" and "involved" neighbors.

I saw two or three people looking out windows and come out on porchs as we were looking at the house and I guess the current seller of it will live up the street from us. I'm a little worried about people trying to be more involved in my business than they should be.

I'm all for neighborhood watch and waving as people drive by, hey once a summer lets get together and have a street cookout, fine, but stay out of my business and keep your kids out of my yard.

So all in all it was a desent trip, we'll live in a beautiful area, we're close to the water, and the general state isn't going to be a drastic change from here so I think my only real anxiety will be from going ot a huge College Campus and being away from my daddy and grandparents.

As for right now I've opted to be not so responsible and take my already late test tomorrow morning instead of today. I only have one day of school this week, so hopfully I can talk myself into getting up and getting stuff done.

Today I don't seem to have the energy to chnage out of my Monkees jammies to shower and get dressed.

Even Bazy agrees that I should stay here and do my home in bed so she can take a nap on my feet.

We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz! there was.
If ever oh ever a Wiz! there was The Wizard of Oz is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because.
Because of the wonderful things he does.
We're off to see the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

harlemrain at 11:23 am

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