Monday, Dec. 06, 2004

I stump the minds of medicines once again!

I went to the doctor to sees about this mysterious rash/ringworm looking/seriously itchy spots that are showing up all over my body and making me feel like a dirty leper.

Again I make modern medicine marvel at me.

My doctor did actually suggest I may have some type of a weird, unexplainable virus type thing that may eventually cover my body, but, of course, you dont kow you have that really till its full blown and it goes away.


Too bad this didn't happen for Halloween, I could have been a lepoard.

Ha. ha. ha.

I had this fantastic, ever so prdictive plan to do my re-vamping on my project today so I can go in on Thursday and rant and rave about gender and how we should be nicer to transgendered peoples, but, instead I went to sleep.

I dreamt (that right?) of my dad and former step-monster. I was going to the house we used to live in to get some stuff I left behind when I moved out and also to help my dad clean up.

I got there and was horrified to find the wicked witch of the north there causing all kinds of grief for my dad.

She was making all kinds of crude, vile comments about their former sex life and other rude comments about their past. I was trying to ignore them and get out of there as quickly as possible, but she was being completely unbearable (even for who she is).

My dad kept telling her to shut her mouth and just get things done so they could get it all finished and over with, but darned if she ever did anything she should have.

I managed to wake up before my dad or I slapped her.

But I spent a few minutes making sure it was real and then wondering where the hell it came from.

I'm thinking maybe it's because I went by the old house last week out of curosity of how the lady who lives there now was keeping it and I had been thinking about daddy quite a bit this weekend.

I try not to analyze my dreams too deeply anymore, my minds too twisted.

I have more to yack about, but me mums home to shopping again.

While the Captain's away...

harlemrain at 5:24 pm

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