Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005


I tried to go to bed at a desent time last night.

I really did.

I even signed off when Manda did for once.

I went to bed and was all set to sleep by 3 so I could get up around 11:30 or 12 and be all rested and stuff.

Then I just could not sleep.

There was no comfortable position, no way to get my body temperature regulated so I wasn't freezing or burning up, no way to keep Bazy from stomping all over my achy chest or pressure points.... just no sleep at all.

I woke up this afternoon feeling like I had been hit by a bus.

I feel even worse right now and I'm not sure what happened. I dozed off while mom watched ER. I woke up burning up and soaked with sweat (ewwww) and my chest feels like an elephant is sitting on me.

I think it might be gas... or a heart attack.... either way I'm probably going to die.

Maybe then I can get some restful sleep.

I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, but I can't afford to miss math, it kicks my ass as it is. Missing instruction would just screw me over beyond repair I fear.

I need another 3 day weekend.

harlemrain at 11:45 pm

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