Monday, Sept. 19, 2005

Freaking Out

So, the time has come for my first offical FREAK OUT of the semester.

I have scared witless of the MATH EXAM TOMORROW. I also have a BOLOGY LAB QUIZ that I'm not to psyched about.

My BIOLOGY EXAM on THURSADAY has me worried and I have no idea when I'm going ot write the PAPER DUE in POP CULTURE that DUE THURSDAY.


I have to write about a current movie or television character that acts as a hero for the American culture. I have to explain how they fit into the hero myth and why I think they're seen as a hero.

Sounds easy enough, but I keep going blanke very damn time I try to sit down and think about it.

If I come up with an idea, I think don't how to justify or explain my reasonings for selecting that character or person.

I am completely freaking out over everything.

I'm trying so hard to stay focused and tell myself I can do this, but I feel my body trying to shut down and hide from it all.

God help me, I don't want to fail.

harlemrain at 11:32 pm

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