Friday, Sept. 23, 2005

Lady Xanax

Wanna know how bad I seem to be about freaking out?

My doctor perscribed me Xanax today.

XANAX... that makes me legitimately loony doesn't it?

How did everything I paniced about in the entry before go you ask?

My math test was even worse than I could have ever imagined... the BIo test wasn't as bad, butI have a few sections I'm ify about... my paper for Pop. Culture was done literally 5 minutes before I needed to leave for school today, and it's taking everything I have to make it to school today because I am so tired I seriously think I could die.

I also spent all week fussing with and worrying about my new car.

She's supposedly fine now.

With all the rain we've had in just the last 6 hours or so, I'm hoping she can float.

New Bon Jovi album is phenomonal, I have a new favoritest song.

Tickets go on sale October 1st, front row here we come.

And there were ants... lots and lots of ants...

That is all.

harlemrain at 1:24 am

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