Thursday, Oct. 06, 2005

What do I actually need my sinuses for anyway?

I'm in love with my new hair cut.

I won't post the pictures of it here though, because my face eet eez fat and I don't feel like posting my fat face in my diary.

So click the pic-tures link and have a look if you'd like.

My face hurts and my dentist says I have a sinus infection.

I had no idea dentists could prescribe meds outside of the dential area.

You know what's friggin awesome?

Tomorrow I have ONE class to get up for and then I'm free until Wednesday.

Thank the sweet Lord for Fall Break.

My grandpa C is supposed to be here Sunday night or early Monday morning.

I think he's staying all wekk, but I'm a terrible granddaughter so I don't remember.

He driving all over this side of the continent this week. My cousin Debbie is getting married and moving to West Virginia this weekend.

I feel a bit bad for not being there, but at the same time I don't know that I'd feel right being there.

She met this guy on the internet and last year she met him in person for the first time. He gets there and presents her with a ring saying the Lord told him she was supposed to be his wife.

Not to doubt someone's contact with the Holy above, but... Holy Bubba lookin for a house bitch Batman!

I'm hoping our entire family is wrong and he turns out to be her soulmate. No matter how much she creeps me out (long story) she's still my cousin and I love her and want her to be happy.

Speaking of which- note to self: mail wedding card.

Not like I'm forgetful or anything.

Now I need to go find something to eat and get to school so I can find a parking place.

It's seriously wrong how hard it is to find a place to park on this campus... what's even more wrong is the school's excuse. They say it's a "pedistrian campus".


That's just stoopid.

I spend more time walking to my classes than I spend in my classes.

Damn people and their higher education.

But, that's a rant and O don't feel like ranting, I feel like eating.

Later yoz.

harlemrain at 11:59 am

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