Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003

"national Old Farts Fark with The Lauren Day"

I didn't want to get up at all this morning. I think it was a sign from God to warn me that today was national Old Farts Fark with The Lauren Day.

I was late again today.

This time I really don't think it was my fault.

It's who ever decided to fark with Kellogg and make the brand new lights that go up there last 15 farkin minutes.

I also got stuck behind this old guy who was going, I kid you not, 40 on a busy street where the limit is 55 and everyone normal goes about 60.

Needless to say I was beyond irked.

You're gettin it next time Grandpa,I don't even have enough money to be bankrupt and my car's a piece of tin crap thats worth about two bucks...just keep thinkin I won't rear end an old man...

Then I get to school and get stuck behind one of the old farts there who can't decide if she wants to part up front or on the side, all the while my piece of crap is about to stall out and quit on top of the speed bump I'm stuck on.

I'm seriously forming a strong dislike of old people.

I get to class and find that this class is also a satelite class.

Meaning we're on TV for two other class rooms in different parts of the state to see.

This is spiffy and all and yesterday my Lit teacher knew what he was doing and whizzed right through everything.

My codger of a Government teacher however acts like he wouldn't know how to turn the damn computer on is it was printed in bright red, size 72, bold font and posted right in front of his face.

He also continously screamed into his microphone.

If he was too loud to us in person, I can't imagine how loud he musta been to the kids who had to listen to him amped up.

He's a crusty old fart too.

He makes me more anxious than a gay man in a Catholic Church.

I'm seriously feeling over whelmed.

I can't drop anything through or I'll lose my scholarship.

I puta jihad on the man who decided everyone should go to college.

Next I'm coming for your children you sadistic bastard.

harlemrain at 3:24 pm

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