Monday, Jun. 28, 2004

30 damn dollars

I haven't updated in like 4 days.

Such a dry spell I know.

I haven't updated because I've been avoiding myself and writing in here makes me have to think with and talk with me and I haven't wanted to really do that for several reasons.

I am so ashamed.

I haven't started any of the cleaning I need to do.

In fact I've actually added to the mess that was already there.

I repeatedly told myself that no matter how retardedly late I stayed up in the wees hours of this morning, I was gonna be up by 1:30 this afternoon so I could go to my dads real quick like and be home in time to start dunging out before my mom got home.

I finally drug my lazy ass outta be around 4 and after the trip to my dads was home around 7.

A whole day wasted. Dammit

I don't even wanna do this shit for my dad.

I shoulda gone to McPherson and made him get someone else to watch his damn house for the week.

Actually thats not really fair to the animals.

My dad doesn't even love his dog and cat as much as I do.

They know it too.

Taylor, the cat who answers to no man or beast but his studly self, followed me around like a little puppy dog and all but made love to me when I cleaned his green water out and cleaned the bowl.

It really sickens me to see the condition shits left in around that house cause no one pays attention.

Prucilla's little blue swimming pool has more allgey in it than Eldorado lake and when you pet the poor ol dog she's so dirty your hands turn coal black.

She's gettin a bath or six this week.

If my father or his wife stopped to think about it for two seconds these pets are the prime type of pets to have to teach kids aroubd of I dunno maybe 8 and 5 some responsibility and how to care for animals.

That's just one of my crazy ideas though. I suppose you can't properly spoil children and teach them to care about other living things at the same time.

Dumbass me.

You know what else that cracker bastard did?

First off he leaves this long ass note detailing everything out to me like I'm a half-wit Derby resident, then he leaves me "money for expenses such as gas and food" for the trouble of driving across creation every damn day.

He left me 30 fuckin dollars!!!


As in gas money for half the trips I'm makin this week.

As in enough for gas 3 damn years ago when it was 1.36 a gallon.

30 dollars for all the shit I'm doing this week.

"We're really grateful" my big white ass!

If you people are so fucking grateful hows about taking me on a damn vactaion sometime??

Hows about treating me as more than a fuckin last minute baby/house sitter??

How's about a damn BED to slep on when I visit??

30 dollars... that chaps my ass.

Just for that I may forget to water his tomatoes tomorrow.

I really do have every intention of cleaning that room out this week.

It needs to be this week or it's not going to get done, next week I'm going to stay with the grandfolks, week after that is the famdamily reunion and we're gonna have one of my mom's ever so lovely older sisters here and the week after that is the my last week of stupid teenaged freedom.

As for August, I had better be making plans to move in August.

Wow, my summer's already gone.

See, this is why I've been avoiding myself.

I ramble too much.

harlemrain at 10:37 pm

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