Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2004

This thing is huuuuuge

Livejournal tends to suck.

My browser gets so tired of waitin on that damn thing to load it just gives up.

That's annoying when you're tryin to get to picture communities for a daily dosage on Orlando Bloom photos.

What also sucks in my inherited trait of getting cysts.

A cyst for those who don't know is is a closed pocket or pouch of tissue. It can be filled with air, fluid, pus, or other material.

Cysts hurt like words can't describe.

Granted I'm fairly lucky and only get them in my wrist and now finger joints while other less fortunate souls deal with ovarian cysts (my momma last an ovary as a teenager to on of these bastards) and other kinds that personally I don't think I should know about because of my hypochondriac ways.

I'm debating going to the doctor just in the chance that its pussfilled and possibly the sign that my body's needing help fighting infection of some kind.

That and because I convinced myself earlier today that it's Cancer and I'm going to loose my hand.

I toodled myself to Walgreen's to get a finger splint cause this thing hurts like a beeotch and every time my finger moved or was touched I squealed like epileptic monkey and did a little dance that prolly kinda looked like something an epileptic monkey would do.

I also had a dream this morning that this very finger rotted and fell off, so apprently my mind needs easing.

I made my plans to toodle up Northward to visit the grandfolk the week.

I was gonna wait til Sunday but my younger cousin Nathan only gets permission one day a year to blow stuff up and he feels even better about it if he can do it for a group of people so I figured I'd go watch him nearly blow his ass up and try to talk my grandma into having brats.

I heard rumor that Six Flags of Texas was closed due to flooding.


See what happens when you leave a vengful, curse placing, only worth 30 freakin bucks to you daughter behind to go on a family vacation?

Heh heh heh.

harlemrain at 12:22 am

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