Friday, Aug. 08, 2003

Father of the Year Part II

I'm watching a music video for a song about hw wonderful this guy thinks it is to be a dad to a little girl, and I'm balling my eyes out.

Why can't my dad act like this? Just once I want to hear he loves me and not have a stipulation behind it or have him hurrying to get somewhere else or to someone else.

I sat at lunch today and listened to Kim bitch about he ex-husband and how he doesn't o anything to be apart of thier daughters' lives.

Dad was freely expression his disgust with it saying the summer had been wasted for him (Tony) because he never once tried to get the girls for extra visits.

This sounds familiar.

I also fought tears as they went on to talk about their trip they're taking in a few weeks to Kansas City because the girls want to go to Worlds of Fun.

Great. Have fun. Thanks for letting me know so I know where the fuck you are...

I don't wanna think about all this anymore...

My head hurts and I'm heartsick.

I'm going back to bed.

harlemrain at 1:57 pm

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