Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003

whine, whimper, whine

I slept all day and I'm still tired.

I'm also bleeding from my rectum again, which suggests I really am dying of E. Coli or something's torn.

So now I have to make a trip to the doctor to most likely be told he's not sure whats wrong and be given something to try and see if it works.

In other news, some beastly animal seems to have attacked our innocent little dog last night. We're not sure exactly how it happened and who/what it was, but when I find out...someone's gonna get spanked...


Friday managed to improve after I spent all afternoon crying and wallowing in self pity. The parental units and i went to see Pirates of theCarribbean .

Not only is Orlando Bloom inexpressibly beyond gorgeous and Johnny Depp clever and genious as usual, it's a fantablous movie that lives up to all the hype and comotion.


I spent all day yesterday out shopping.

I got my mom to myself in the morning while we got the few supplies I need for school and then we went and did the nail salon thing we do every two weeks.

Then we came home and got Captian Poopy face and did the rest of our shopping, including fighting grocery store traffic to find food for Poopy pants and I as mum is yet again being sent out of town next week for a bs meeting.

My tummy's all burbly and I've noticed a growing occurence in the times I'm become disoriented.

I'll be doing something and all of a sudden eveything feels out of place and I cant remember what I'm doing and a fe wtimes I've had to get a grasp on where I was.

This all makes me bitchy (er) so I'm sure I'm lots of fun to be around lately.

I really feel bad for my mom, she's the one I seem to be around when it happens and I end up getting snippy and rude.


I kind of what to go to the doctor and see what's going on, but I'm worried about what I could be told.

I don't want to hear that its something serious, I really don't want to be told they need to porbe me (the idea of a camera in my arse, just doesn't sound pleasant or dignified at all), and i really don't want to be told yet again that he's not real sure what it is but he has some ideas and things for me to try.

After all the hoops, mazes, and circles I delt with last year with all my stomach problems, I find my self growing less patient with having to try things and having to "wait and see".

Well, I'm obviously in a whiney mood, so I'm going to go some where less public and whine.

harlemrain at 9:36 pm

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