Monday, Apr. 18, 2005

Issues to be addressed

Dear Heather,

Please do not pull me into your petty fueds with Kara and Mark. I may have be your bitch with friend in high school, but now I'm in college and trying to grow up.

I understand the need ot vent, but I will not take your side or say you're right just because we're friends.

I don't know the entire history of what the two of you have been doing and dealing with so I prefer not to be pulled into it.

Especially when Kara's e-mail (which I don't feel you should be forwarded to other people) sounded very calm and polite and it seems you did osmething childish and seriously rude.




Dear family in Kansas,

Sorry I didn't call today, but I also noticed that no one calls me as often as I call you.

I'm tired of being guilted for not doing something you aren't doing either.

I love you, but please stop chewing my ass in passive aggressive comments and voice tones.

Futhermore, I plan to be happy as a therapist so get used ot the idea.

Love you all,



Dear BGU,

Please accept me soon, I need better health insurance and reassurance that my future is fairly stable.

Toying withthe emotions of young adults is so not cool as we do still have some hormonal changes going on and can be very emotional. *tear*




Dear Gums,

Please stop hurting and bleeding. I get the point, you want closer brushing. But, I can't do that when you make me curl up in brain exploding pain, now can I?




Dear Grandma C,

I hope you are happy in your new home.

Momma says you seemed happy when she talked ot you last, I hope this is a sign that you have found some inner peace.

Please continue to be nice to grandpa, he worries about you a lot and every he does he does because you are his world.

I hope you still like your vase.

I love you.



Dear Billy Zane,

Please make more main stream movies I can get a hold of and grow you're lovely hair back.

In enternal lust,


harlemrain at 3:11 am

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