Sunday, May. 11, 2003

sorrey Im so stoopid... ... ... ya pecker head

Hello, I'm the stupidest person in the universe and sometimes I moonlight as the most ingratful child.

This here is my mother who happens to be the most uncaring, shittiest wife that's evet been, oh and she wasn't wasn't very good at the mother part as you can see from what a piece of shit her only child turned out to be.

Over there is my step-father who's the center of the universe, knows all, decides all, because after all, everything revolves around him and happens because he says so.


I've had a great fuckin weekend how bout you?

Well Captian poopy face has his heart cath thingy tomorrow.

Basically his doctor took an xray type thing of him over a week ago and saw a spot.

Ths fuckin spot could be anything from a scar to minor blockage that means nothin to serious blockage that means his hearts about to explode...

I'm just amazed the xray got through all the ice and stone to get a picture of the inside....

so anyway now he has to go in and have this teeny tiny little camera stuck up inside him to get a better look...

hows this for poetic justic, it has to go up through his groin, only thing better would be to shove it up his whiney ass...

*ahem* Well naturally everones a little worries because well, lets face it everyone touched by Poopy face seems to end up with shity out looks on life...hmmm, I wonder how that happens??...

So mom fretted for a bit, but then focused, or at least tried to focuse, on brighter things. I don't think its anything serious, in fact I look forward to rubbing his face it in when it turns out nothings wrong (yeah so I"m bitter at the moment, you live with this and be cheery goddamn it)

He did fine through out most of last week, then things started goin down hill Friday night.

He made a few remarks at dinner that got nasty looks from both my mum and I, then on the way home from the restaurant, started carrying on about how nothing productive was really going to be done saturday because of our mother's day dinner.

Sorry Buttmongerville's regularly schedualed rotation will have to puase for a moment to pay respect to those which gave us life.... and he calls me a fuckin ingrate...

He spent two hours with his mother and called it good, dumped her off at the old folks home and took off, all the way home bitching about every little thing he found wrong with the dinner.

I appreciate evrything my mother does for me every fuckin day ya bastard, what do you do for your mom that doesn't revolve around money or getting her to shut up? You don't even really deal with that kinda stuff, you make MY mom do it. Ya know what, I'm giving you two middle fingers for that...right here for ya buddy!!!!!!!

Well he's been on me all damn weekend because I kinda wanted to see my step-mom and grandma B. for a bit, ya know pay respects to all the mothers in my life? He starts rantin on me about how I should be with my mother on mother;s day...blah, blah, blah, bitch, bitch, me, at least I spent more than two hours with my mom, made sure she knew I loved her, and what she'd done for me.

I talked to mom about, if she didn't want me to go, I wouldn't have gone, no hard feelings, she told me she understood.

Well he decides that he wants to spend his last day doing something.

He acts like a fuckin St.Jude's child now...he's really gonna die from a micro camera being shoved up his crotch

I can see the headline for his obituary now...

He came and bitched, was scoped and died.


We ended up seeing X2. Its a kick ass movie, lots of action, good plot line, and lots of hope for the 3rd one. I wanna see it again to see if I can identify any of the future x Men in the students they showed. I think I caught Jubiliee, but I heard you should see Gamebet and Beast as well....

Well as we get in the car Janet calls mom's cell. She actually wanted t talk to Ernie tonight. Mom tells her were almost home so she'll call back later.

Poopy face starts being an ass and goes "You have things to do", mom tells him she'll get them done and then tells him how she plans to do it and he makes some snide remark about hoe she won't because she'll be on the phone till 11 at night.

She cut him off luckily, I really didn't wanna have to smack the driver while the car was moving...

Now that were home, a black cloud continues to dwell over our house while I remain in my corner of the basement.

Mom got her stuff done and it now keeping poopyface company.

Yeah I'm bitter as a lemon rind, but in all actuality, I don't want anythig to be wrong with him and I do pray that he's ok.

So, hows your weekend?

harlemrain at 10:04 pm

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