Thursday, May. 08, 2003

I'm so good sometimes I amaze meself...

And when the cosmos realined all was right in the land of Lauren and she saw i was good.

Booya, 95% baby!!!

Apparently my garde in Religion was so low at mideterm because Lauren didn;t do so good on her second test and barely on a B on her first one.


But my last test was a perfect 100 and so was my presentation.

I was funny, fairly informative, make eye contact, and shook like whore in church.

Oh and I take back all the mean bein a snob stuff I said about my teacher.

Apparently she thought she had e-mailed me back, which I do belioeve because I do that crap all the damn time.

No harm, no foul.

Hot damn the Lauren's got an A.

The English Nazi wants me to correct the two or three grammer errors she found in my paper and then turn it back in to her so she can use it in other classes.

I guess that cool, I dunno kinda one of those dork if you do, retard if you don't things.

I still need to fill out a schedual thingy to enroll, but that should b a bit easier now that I know I should still have a scholarship.

God I feel so much better now.

I felt like three knots in my back pop loose on the drive home.

I just feel lighter now.

I still have a final in religion and a poem thingy for English, but the test shouldn't be that hard and the English Nazi apparently thinks I'm a creative genius now.

She was missing her bottom two teeth again today. She didn't seem as self concious about it, but I'm still curious to know what's goin on there.

I'd noticed the first week of school shes missing her molars, but that only noticable if you get her killer clown smile from the side view.

With her two bottom teeth gone, it looks like she's missing half her teeth and she sounds like that buck tooth beaver from Winnie the pooh that whistles every time he talks.

Now all I have on my agenda is two movies, some Bazzer time, and a nasty e-mail to my ex step mother.

A all the way baby! Woooo for me!

harlemrain at 3:41 pm

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