Monday, May. 12, 2003

A stent looks like chicken wire...

He's ok.

Had some blockage they broke through with a balloon thingy and then tehy put this sping type thingy called a stent in to hold the artery open and keep it clear.

He has to stay over night so they can watch his incision and stuff, but other than that he's good to go.

He shocked me tonight when we went to see him.

His six hours of down time was up so the nurse came and helped him get up, I followed them around the hospital so he could stretch his back out and on the way back to the room, he let mom go a head of us and he pulled me into a hug.

A real one, not one of those one armed man hugs, a real hug and told me he was sorry for the way he acts sometimes.

Mom also said he mentioned that he felt bad about a remark he made about me yesterday before the movie.

Its weird, no I won't forget how he acted and its still wrong fo r himt o act that way because he thinks he can, but that apology and hug made me feel better.

I didn't mind being there then.

Before that I was bored outta my mind, the chair was making my back hurt like hell and I was hoping mom would wanna go soon. But after that, I didn't mind waiting.

See poopy head, you be nice to me and I'll be nice to you.

It's really that simple.

harlemrain at 11:51 pm

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