Monday, Jun. 16, 2003

I have bedhead

Ummmmm....*taps the counter* I think this is broken, "30 peoples lookin at my diary right now"????

That's got to be broken...

This is one of those fun entries where I tell you I didn't do anything today, but I'm going to type more stuff at the bottom expecting you'll read anyways.

Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Actually that'd be a lie though, I did do something today...

I slept all damn day even though I set the damn alarm clock to go off at 2 and my mom called at 3.

I went to bed at 3 and work up officially at 5:30...I seriously think something out of kilter here, people dont sleep for 14 and half hours at a time unless they're drugged, sick, or dead.

I don't do drugs, last I checked I wasn't dead though its been threatened to me in my life time... so I guess I'm sick or some part of me is sick.

I'm ignoring any wise cracks made...yes I know I walked straight into them by leaving that last comment open...

Anyhoo, I guess I continue my "watching" of my symptoms, cause I seriously don't want to go tot the doctor. I've had enough doctors for a life time... hopfully I was just fatigued from my weekend...

I should go now, Bazy's instructing me that her food bowl is empty and that's simply unacceptable.

harlemrain at 6:01 pm

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