Monday, Mar. 08, 2004

Insert clever/funny/witty/thoughtful title here

I slept in today thinking I could afford it.

Then I came back to the land of reality and halled ass to get my homework done in 15 minutes and prayed that my jeans didn't need the hour and three minutes to dry the dryer said they did.

Tonight I need to write a response paper to the last section of reading assigned in Litature... I'm curious to see what happends when I turn in a paper tomorrow that basically says my response was that this section sucked and if I burned books, I'd start here...

Could be interesting.

I just so exhausted. Its not lack of sleep, I got plenty of that the last few days... I guess it the volume of stuff I know I have to do.

I'm in a kind of a weird spot though I suppose, I don't want to vent really, I sure as heck berries don't need anyone else telling me how much they understand how I feel or what I'm dealing with (I'm up to my last nerve with "Oh I have the same problem stories")but at the same time I don't necessarily want to be left alone.

I just don't want to be bugged, or asked questions that require more than a nod or shake of my achy head.

Mom went to bed sick tonight and Captain "Loud mouth" poopy pants has taken to smothering her.

So I've already locked myself up for the night.

It's just as well though, if I hear one more "shouted above everyone else to be sure no one misses my ever so witty comment" word outta him I was fixin to go postal on his hiney.

It's just noise that bothers me right now.

Especially unnecessary noise.

I supposed I should do this homework so I can take my crabby ass to bed and hide under the quiet pillows.

Tommorow's gonna be another day.

harlemrain at 8:30 pm

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