Monday, Aug. 18, 2003

And yet somehow I end up Teacher's Pet...

I'm so glad I made that wish in the 6th grade for my mom to re-marry.

Now I have years and years to enjoy the company of one Mister "I'm a big farkin baby who doesn't have enough balls or class to approach my 19 year old step daughter when I have a small complaint to lodge, even thought I should have no complaint cause the whole ordeal is my fault cause I act like an idiot." also know as Captain Poopy Pants.

Apparently I offended him yesterday because I half jokenly told him to get off me.

I guess I was supposed to be tickled pink he was rubbing his half naked body against me as I tried to cut vegetables with a sharp knife and my body language should have made it more than clear that I was not in a good mood to begin with.

Now he's mad and just can't "get over it".

Well wanker, GET OVER IT, cause I'm NOT going to ask you what's wrong and I'm NOT going to argue with you because you're a self centered drama queen who never learned to share space in the univerese with other people.

Kiss my grits turd blossom.


In other news...

I went to an orientation thingy for my online class that starts Wednesday.

That was two hours of my life I'll never get back.

I could have watched a movie...cleaned my room...something other than listening to people ask what an "@" symbol is.

Seriously folks, if you can't use a computer effecently enough to type up an assignment, copy and paste it into another form, click a button that says "up load" and send and recieve e-mail, you probably shouldn't be taking an Online class.

Chances are you won't do very well.


Why do I have to take Biology again?

I took a whole farking year of it in high school, disected every thing legally possible and a few I'm not so sure were legal...

Why do I need it for a Psychology Major?

Anatonomy makes more sense doesn't it?

Am I missing something here??

I hate school.

No really, I'm not just trying to meet the "normal" attitude expected from a "young person" my age.

I seriously hate school.

I resent having to write and rewrite the same damn papers in every farking English class I take.

I don't see how I'll ever use the shite they're trying to teach me in Algebra... and I sure as hell don't get why I just have to retake all the sciences I already took in high school.

Teach me something new... let's go past the 1800's in a History class...let's read some desent books in English, something other than the damn Bronte' sisters and Nathanial "Oh god my family 100 years ago were puritians bastards, I much be punished" Hawthorn.

I've thought about being a teacher myself, I don't know what I could teach.

K-5 is out cause I loathe little kids, 6-8 *snort* those little bastages are worse than little kids because they seem to think they have some kind of authority or something, and even if I could get along with high school kids, the crap I'd have to teach them is a buncha bullsh*t.

Somehow me on the first day stating "I think this agenda is pure and simple bullshit and I don't believe in any part of it, but I have to teach it to you so you can learn it again in college..." would go over very well with the students.

Anyhoo, I got the orientation out of the way so my weekend's free.

Now I just sit and wait for Wednesday and see what kind of torchure I'm in for with this online class.

My last week of freedom.

I can feel the knots of stress in my stomach already.

I curse the man who decided everyone should go to college.

harlemrain at 8:54 pm

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