Friday, Mar. 14, 2003

"...Justin Timberlake peekin in my window."


I finally have two dreams in one night and neither of them are violent, weird (for being my dreams anyway), or frustrating.

But I keep dreaming about Nsync!!!


Ok ok ok, so maybe I could understand a dream or two about Joey or JC because they're the two I (god this sounds teeny bopper) like the most... I also get Joey always having red hair since I obsess over hoping he'll go back to that...

So the first dream wasn't that bad, just a bit annoying. I finally have a dream about Joey Fatone that's somewhat normal and, dammit I turn into him again.

Why do I keep turnin into Joey Fatone????

Well mom calls and wakes me up like I asked her to, but I decided after I hang up that I don't wanna get up yet...

I figure I've had my "good" dream, so I'll probably have some weird, neurotic, Freud soundin dream....

No I just dream about Justin Timberlake peekin in my window.


This dream had some order to it, being that it starts with a young Justin lookin in my window, me opening it to ask him what the hell he's doing, and we become own dream is so cute I wanna vomit....and grow up together, him always coming in through the window...

The weird thing is, he's always got his "older sister"with him...

So when we get to be grown ups and are like about to *ahem* digress, shes there hendering it.

I hate my dreams.

Yeah so I do actually think Justin's a bit of a hottie...bite me....but this chaps my ass...

I have had lord knows how many dreams where I was close to gettin action with some hot guy and there is always, always always somethin there to hender it....usually I turn into him ( whats with me turnin into guys, this really disturbs me.... I wake up kinda pixed...haha I'm an "Angry Young Man", so bad pun, good song....moving on...)or there's someone else there stopping us.

I'm sure my mom, Dr. Ruth Freud has some idea about it being my tendensey to avoid anything close to "personal relations".... and shes probably right...but it still sucks


Anyhoosit, I'm going to Cher and you're not, so I gotta go get ready.

harlemrain at 4:23 pm

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