Saturday, Feb. 01, 2003

Gray skys are gonna clear up....but if you even think about tellin me to put on a happy face, I'll give you such a pinch!!

Mr. Poopy Pants is...*gasp* HUMAN!!!!

I know , I know, this is supposed to be my real live diary and not a work of fiction, but dude was almost completely human today...

And get this...*looks around,leans in and whispers*

He spoke to full sentences....through out that ENTIRE day...

I still wonderin if this'll last beyond today, but it was a nice day. Even for having him around all day.

He's goin out of town next week, so he may switch back to bein a butt, but hey today was nice.

I just watched Minority Report with the family units.

It was a pretty good movie. I'm not big in Tom Cruise, in fact I really don't like most of his stuff except for Top Gun and I still think he's a prick in that one, but Ice man's hot...anyhoosit,

I'd recommend this one.

Not a whole lot of action, but a lot of mind stuff, which I dig alot.

The only thing I would change is killing the cute guy. That just sucked and was wrong in so many ways.

I also felt bad for the Congnits, especially Agnes when he took her away from all she knew. That upset me a lot.

We also rented The Dead Zone movie pilot movie thingy.

Yay, hot grown up, Anthony Michael Hall!!!

He's gotta be my favorite brat packer. I adore him so much *dreamy sigh*.

I still have a ton of homework I should be doing, but like the procrastionater I am, I'm not doing it.

I finally got the guts to get a review.

I had been refusing to do it because this is my diary that I'm doing for me so I can get out of therapy and have a place to put my stuff that doesn't leave a paper trail, and all the other review sites look at template and extra crap that geared towards having an audience...

Well to be honest, I've given up on a template, unless I learn how to make them but if I did that I wouldn't be my normal under achieveing self and hey why change for an online diary when I won't change for a man?

I can't find one that fits me, they're all sickly depressing or way to frickin cheery.

Then if I did find one, I'd have to go through the hastle of making sure I got all my links back on, save the images, have someone's button on my site (being a billboard for anything irks me), and hey that's all work. I ain't doin this to create more work for myself. This is supposed to me a nice relaxing way to get my twisted throughts outta my head before I get so many I act on them.

Never thought Diaryland could stop a murder huh?

Anyhoos, back to the original thought here, I got reviewed, and hey I go a good out come.


The reviewer seems nice, but I prolly seem bias sayin that now that I've said I got a good review.

I'm supposed to get up early tomorrow and go to the gym, but I dunoo how bad I really wanna go.

I know I should, its good for me and gets my fat, lazy arse outta the house, but it feels kinda like a hastle sometimes.

We got to the bigger location now, which freaks me out of course, its always packed, I feel like people are watching me, then I feel like a vain loser because I like people are watching me, then I think people think I'm a retard cause I just know I've got to be doing things all wrong.


It really sucks having social phobia.

I'm also really tired, so I feel like a slug.

I just wanna stay in bed for a month or so.

I'm most likely gonna go. Maybe it won't be as packed since it'll be a Sunday morning.

Maybe we'll be the only sinners on the West side not in church or home in bed with a hang over.

I can hope.

harlemrain at 9:57 pm

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