Monday, Sept. 22, 2003

I don't know

I don't know what I want so stop asking me!

Yeah I see what Ohio has to offer, but I also know I'm leaving everything I know behind and uprooting a life it took me 19 years to make.

I'm leaving the few freinds I have, my father, my grandparents, my hometown.

No its not just a city, a house, a neighborhood, and a school, its MY LIFE.

I LIVE here in MY neighborhood in MY City and go to MY school, I know how things work here and should I have questions I know who to ask.

I don't kow a farkin thing about Ohio except that its 3 states and 15 hours away from every thing I do know.

God I don't wanna tell my family about this....

harlemrain at 8:24 pm

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