Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003

Another week of this and I'd probably die....

Schoooooooooooooooooool's out for win-tah!

Schooooooooooooooooooooool's out for Decem-bah!

I'm done, I'm done I'mdoneI'mdone I'm done!!!!

A month to myself, no homework, no driving across creation every week.... booya!

I got my Christmas shopping done today, I dunno how much I spent, but I'm sure it was more than I planned... heh, oops.

I hate the mall.

I was in a perfectly good mood and then we went to the mall and BAM annoyed and cranky.

Whats with the walking on peoples asses? Is that really necessary, my butts flat enough without you stamping on it, thanks.

And you Dillards sales lady with the perfume.. back the fark off! Some people have asthema/or are just plain sensitive to that toxic shite yer callin perfume.

My fries from Burger King tasted like onions.... bastages.

And our dog farts... and tries to blame it on me.

harlemrain at 11:34 pm

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