Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004

It be dunged yo

A second day this week with no sleep.

This one wasn't as bad as the first though. I wasn't up all night doing mind numbing home work. I just couldn't sleep.

Not sure why.

I tried, but after several hours of trying and no signs what so ever that sleep was going to happen for the Lauren. I decided to get up and see what I could get done on my closet room.

8 hours later.... that room is the cleanest it has ever been.


It looks fantastic. Now I still have to clean up the actual clothes area and out all my clothes away, get rid of some more of the clothes I don't wear, finish soarting the never ending collection of magazines I have and I will be show ready.

My bedroom will probably get cleaned in the pricess, as I now have room and places for my stuff.


Now if I could get all that pesky homework done, all could be right in my world.

harlemrain at 2:44 am

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