Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003

Finding Nemo...Finding Myself

My body's feeling outta whack again...

but that could be the popcorn, gummi chews and large pepsi I had about an hour after our large dinner of pepper steak...

Or someone's just messin with my cosmos again, I dunno...

Hey go see Finding Nemo it's like the best movie I've seen in a long time...dudes.

I haven't really done much the past few days, hensethe lacking of entries.

Yesterday I was conned into slave labor at my grandparent Crows again...more like tricked actually. Mom asked me if it was ok, but didn't make it clear that it was just me, so I found out AFTER I agreed that it was not only my alone but I had to get up before 4 in the afternoon to do it.

Grandma of course was inf ine form. You talked twice as loud as normal to make sure I heard every single comment she made over the ever blaring TV and got mad at me because I knew more answers on "The Weakest Link", "Who Wants to be a Millionaire", and "Jeporady" than she did. Acuall she was annoyed at that but then threw a fit whens he found out that all the stuff she was so proud to have learned in college, I learned in High School.

So yeah that was all kinds of fun.


I decided tonight during the credits of the movie that I'm gonna try to be more positive.

Yes I know we've been through this before... but now I'm gonna get more specific.

I've managed to help the full picture, now I need to straighten so details.

Namely, Captian Poopy Pants.

I may still rant and rave here, but I'ma try more positive interaction.

No I'm not giving in and letting have his way, but I'm going to try and not let him bring me down.

I'm hopeing to try it out tomorrow.

We're going out to the fram, which is my mom;s cousin's house. Patty's cut my hair all my life, I've tried other epoples, but always go back to Patty cause she's just damn good.

Patty and Dan have three small children all born in like a four year radius (icky huh?) and in this time Patty has stayed home to be a mom and Dan was laid off from his job thanks toour ship shape economy. Which means money for Patty and Dan is a bit tight.

Patty knows shes poor, she knows her kids have hand me down clothes and toys and she knows her house is a mess because she doesnt have a lot of free time ( hmmm, wonder why? She's only got 3 and 2 year olds and 6 month old....).

Ernie has a snob side to him. He looks down on guys with long hair, most kids, and thinks that all the "crumby" housing around us should be knocked down because its trashy and people will just magically become middle class without a trashy house.

He gets bored easily too (as I've shared before) and usually ends up really stinkin bored at Patty's. Heck I get bored out there too, but have learned to tolerate kids long enough to entertain her kids. (If you train 'em right, you can throw toys and make them go get them and bring them back, you don't have to do anything but toss the toy, its great! They even pant after awhile...)

I can remember when my mom and I were tight on money and I got comment from kids at school whose families were better off than mine. Being laughed at because my clothes sometime had to be worn a little longer than the latest trend and I didn't have all the neat new toys and stuff like that. So may be a little defensive here but Iget annoyed with him after we;ve been to the farm.

Frst he's always got to complain about there being nothing to do actings as if he just had toc ome and its their duty to entertain him because the rest of the world does.

Then he usually has to start asking questions or even just flat out making comments about them.

The old couch thats worn down, the TV that's dimming because the tubes broken, Dan not having a job, Patty having to go on WIC.

I dunno if he means to, but to me, he starts to sound like he's looking down his nose at them.

I doubt he'll ever flat out call them trash, cause he knows momma'll beat his ass for it, but I kinda get the feeling from his tone that he's partly implying it.


I dunno.

Anyhoosit, my tummy hurts and I'm seriously fussy from two days of shorted sleep so I'ma go to bed.

Go see "Finding Nemo" in the theaters, it's the bestest!!

harlemrain at 1:05 am

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