Tuesday, May. 27, 2003

Yeah so I'm gross...

Yeah so I wished a gut bom from hell on Captian Poopy Pants yesterday morning and at various points through out the day.

For reals, I did. He'd say something or do something that irked me in the slightest and I'd automatically think "Gut bomb from hell on you!!!!!". That's my version of the Jihad, Diaherria.

Well I proved to be more powerful than I thought because the bugger was home all day with...diaherria.

Ya know, I should have thought about it at the time, he's such a big frickin baby, one squirt and he stays home from work.

And he calls my mom and I under achievers.

I've bagged and carried out groceries for mean old ladies and people claiming falsely needed welfare, stocked new bags, cleaned floors, restaocked shelves, but away loose items, and listened to other co-workers bitch about hang nails, all while I was sure that if I inhaled to quickly my guts would shoot out of my uniform pants.

I haven't even heard the toilet flush up stairs more than two or three times. The weenie.

Ok, 5:30, mom'll be home soon and I still have to shower and brush my garlic breath.

harlemrain at 5:24 pm

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