Sunday, May. 25, 2003

Had a Sunday

I'm tired.

I for reals need to learn that when I need to get up at 10, I should go to bed before 4:30.

Today wasn't that bad though. I spent the day at dad's with grandma and grandpa and dad's friend Henry.

Henry creeps me out.

I've known him basically all my life and I don't remember him being so creepy before.

I don't think he stared at me before either.

I know I haven't seen him in like years, but he started at me enough at the wedding to make up for a lifetime and then he kept doing it today.

And that goofy Barney Rubble laugh.

He' sone of those people that laughs just from nervous habit, so he'd make some comment that really wasn't that funny, but would laugh anyway to cover any possible silence.

He kept tryin to hug me too.

I hate being hugged unless its my parents, grandparents, and I'll pretty much allow my "sisters" to hug me now too.

But not friends of my dad that I haven't really seen since I was 13 and have somehow become creepy and smelly.

I may seem shallow or rude, but I'm extremely sensitive to odor.

I can't stand smelly people.

I really don't like smelly people touching me.

I'm very self concious about smelling myself, which I guess is why I'm so sensistive to smelling B.O. of others.

Yeah so I'm weird, well...yo mama weras comabt boots and dresses you funny.

I didn't say hi to my mom and Captian poopy pants when I got home.

I didn't avoid them to be rude, I just don't feel comfortable going into their room to talk to her all the time.

I'm also, for some reason, just not feeling like I wanna talk to Ernie.

I dunno why, just don't feel like it.

I know I'm probably gonna get griped at for this, but something in my gut tells me the grippings worth it.


He parked on myside of the drive way, but I didn't see that until I pulled up and I'm not moving it tonight.

Its not my problem he's a retard who bought a new truck before he could get ride of the old car.

I have issues with that anyway.

Dude has a car that works and he can't do anything with until November, so instead of waiting till november he decides he needs a new car now.

Well then he decides that we just hall so much stuff he needs a truck, and not just any truck he has to get some big ass, in the way, taken up all the friggin room in the garage, no one can get into it, extention of his penis 1500 Ram series.


So he's bought this big ol brand spakin new pick up and I'm still down here in the cold dark basement with a broken toilet. A toilet HE broke.

Now without going into too much detail, basically I have enough toilet frequent flyer miles to go around the world like a cagillion times.

I probably use the can more in one day than he'll use that damn truck in a month and yet I'm stuck with an old, smaller than standard sized, leeky, broken toilet.

That really chaps my ass.

harlemrain at 9:57 pm

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