Monday, Jun. 07, 2004

Josh Groban raises me up

Josh Groban showed me Jesus qhile I was buying nachos at the 7/11.

He did, I swear.

I went to the 7/11 cause I was craving nachos. He was in a tux behind the counter as the night clerk.

He told me I was "kinda pretty" and I told him "not to bother because I never get lucky in my own dreams anyway...)

He looked at me weird then smiled. Then he told me he could introduce me to someone who would love me unconditionally.

I told him I already had that someone and pointed to my nachos saying "food is love"

He shook his head and took my nachos away, then led me up stairs to...

Jesus doing paper work.

I woke up.

Laughin my crackhead dream havin ass off.

harlemrain at 4:42 pm

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