Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2003

As if one meltdown wasn't enough

So after my first entry tonight, I sobbed for about two hours.

I don't have my paper done, I'm going to have to talk to him tomorrow and hope he'll show me some mercy dispite that fact that I'm weak.

I'm terrified that he'll just think I'm a slacker and refuse to take it late, thus leaving me with 30% missing from my grade, resulting in the loss of my scholarship.

I tired to get it done, managed to find some more resources for it, but I'm too fried to focus on it.

I'll have to get it done tonight or mostly done so I can turn it in Wednesday.

I also got a call from my astronomy teacher saying that if I get my last two assignments in before the weekend, I'll have an A and won't have to take the final.

He sounded like I imagined he would and seemed nice, still annoys me with the not grading though.

But its nice to know I can finish that class up early and be done with it.

I seriously hope and pray my guardian angel or whomever would handle this stuff pulls throughf or me tomorrow.

I dunno that I could take that loss this paper will bring me.

I still feel really fragile and would actually stay home tomorrow if it wasn't for the test and likely chance that'll he'll lecture over stuff that's going to be on the final the week after next.

I still have a few more things to study over before I crash.

I'm still frantic inside, but now that I've melted down and told mom about it, I kinda sorta in some small (teeny tiny) feel a bit better.

harlemrain at 12:56 am

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