Monday, Dec. 01, 2003


I have literally not said one word since about 2:30 this afternoon.

I'm too tired and generally pissed off to take the strength and time it requires to function wnough to speak.

I again go no sleep last night and had to go all day on it...

Major paper due tomorrow and I don't think I'm going ot find the information I want/need to get to do my topic they way I presented it to my teacher.

In the same class I have a test and for the essay part, I don't have a fucking clue what to say because I don't give a big flying fuck about politics.

I ache all over, my back and head in particular, I'm tired, and I'm so sick of school my stomach chruns at the tought of going for three more weeks.

I also now have proof that all the hard work I put into astronomy is for nothing.

I only tirned in 10 of the 20 questions my teacher assigned last week because I didn't understand the other half and asking my teacher questions is hopeless.

I just looked at my grade and found I got full credit for the assignemnt.

Now, while the honest and right thing to do is e-mail my teacher and let him know what happened.

Bu I've reached the point that I really just don't give a big flying fuck about anything.

I'm tired of papers, I'm tired of projects and doing research, I'm tired of being tired and not being able t sleep because I so so many damn assignments and no time to get them done in.

I hate school.

Seriously hate it... I hate the bullshit.. I hate being told that "everyone has do to it".

Did I ask about everyone else?

No, I didn't.

I'm not suffering for/with everyone else... I'm suffering for me go get another damn maryter I'm gonna be self centered and complaine about my situation and complete unhappyness everyone else can kiss my ass.

harlemrain at 7:05 pm

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