Friday, Jun. 11, 2004

I wanna move

My step-dad makes me crazy sometimes.

He really does.

God knows I love the crazy bastard, but damn if he doesn't do he best to make people around him go nuts.

He's a prime example of someone being "of their generation".

He thinks all young people should respect all of their "elders", women are superior, blacks are nergos, a man is measured by his money making abilities, and he hates "japs".

Honestly he's not a bad guy, just a really stubborn on with a slightly off center view of the world sometimes.

Tonight at dinner he was asking me about my planned career. Particularly how much I thought I was going to make, how rich was I going to be, how much money did I think I needed to make to be comfortable.

I don't like talkin about money, I dunno where I get that from, but I don't.

I don't know how much my job will pay, most likely I'll start out on beans and have to work my way up to being more or less self employed.

Really I just wanna be paid to be the music nerd I am. Have a job doing one of the few things I really love and am really good at.

I don't want to be obscenely rich, just wanna make enough to have a desent life.

I'm not real sure what "comfortable" is for the Captain, but I have a feeling its slightly different than mine.

He's one of the reasons I'm going out of my mind about moving aswell.

Being stuck here in limbo has all of us thinking too much and rarely on the same subject or with matching thoughts.

We need a duplex. He really do, no one house will contain Ernie and me. I have two and a half years of college left at least, I can't say I'll beliving with them for all of that, but I can safely say I'll be there a while longer.

I can't live with him anymore. Having my own little place to shut him out completely for days if I want/need to is becoming necessary.

I know he's looking forward to when i move out as well.

Some how he's missed that by having a duplex I won't really live with them anymore, we'll be neightbors, but I'll have my own place, my own bathroom, my own kitchen, my own front room where I watch want I want so he can watch what he wants without a struggle in his own front room.

He's do busy being Mr. Negative to let this all sink in.

He also doesn't seem to get that Ohio is more expensive than Kansas.

Houses are more expensive, especially the nice ones he thinks we have to live in.

He spends so much time trying to match and show up to the old farts he and mom works with that he seems to loose his fucking mind and forget that those old farts run the company and therefore have all the money and no one to care for, while he and my mom work for them and have responsibilities.

Hold it for a second, I want to clarify something here, I do understand that I sound selfish here possibly even like I expect them to take care of me, that's so not the case. I do realize that I'm almost 20 and someday soon will have to care for myself, but in the mean time facts is facts and my parents fully support me at the moment.

So um�Ernie and houses yeah�

I�m not sure what�s gonna happen. Hopefully mom can get his crazy �competing with the bosses� arse down and get a realtor.

Of course to get a realtor we�d need to be in the FUCKING PROCESS OF MOVING FIRST!

And that chillins as things appear isn�t happening right now.

harlemrain at 12:23 am

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