Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003

Metal Mania!!!



I've seen two from Motley Crue, one from Warrent (giggles, grown men in while leather, thats funny), two from AC/DC, one from Cinderella (Tome Keifer, mmmmm), and a bunch more that rocked my socks.

And it's only like 7 hours into this metal weekend...... oh the euphoria....

So I sit here as predicted, waiting on Kim who's late because, suprise suprise, Tony's late picking the girls up.

Ya know, for a dude I've seen once, this Tony asshole has managed to screw up like at least one weekend out of every month for me.

The one weekend I wanna sit home in my underwear and watch TV and I can't because everyone wants me to do stuff and get other stuff done.

Mom's got a small list of things, I have a feeling Dad's gonna take a big 'ol hunk of today trying to woo me with the new house.....

damn it.

I just wanna watch videos *thorwing a hissy fit*

Anyhoosit, my new mom should be here anytime now *snort, laugh* so I'm gona go catch as many videos as possible.

harlemrain at 9:39 am

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