Friday, May. 27, 2005


I need someone.

I need someone who will listen to whats on my mind and sympathize with how scared and lonely I am.

I need someone who'll hug me without being promted first.

Someone who understands that I'm sensitive and need extra understanding sometimes.

I need someone my age.

I need someone to be nice to me...

someone to take time to sit with me for a while. Even if its in silence.

I need someone to understand, without words, that I'm feeling down.

Someone to watch a movie with me and share jokes.

Someone to listen to music with and just hang out.

Someone to draw with or work on a mosaic with.

Someone to sit on the front porch with me and watch the birds and squirrels.

Someone to drive around me with.

I just need someone.

harlemrain at 10:47 pm

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