Monday, Aug. 16, 2004


Where the hell is my Nintendo stuff?

Yes as in bought in 1991 nintendo.

I have all my stuff for it packed up in a box and swear it was right in the other room and I can't find it.

I'll never forget that Christmas. I was 6 and had just watched my world fall apart with my parents divorce earlier that month.

Grandma and Grandpas was my safe haven from the world, my biggest worries there were convincing grandma I did need that cookie before dinner and talking grandpa into buying me what sticker, pen, or bead set I found at Sam's.

As far as I can remember I generally woke up at Grandma and Grandpa's on Christmas morning. This morning I was super charged hoping I got the new Holiday Barbie and a dream house (to this day I'm still waiting for Santa to deliver the damn dream house he promised me every year I went to see him at the mall, lying bastard) instead I got underwear, something else, something else, and a Nintendo.

Now why my grandparents got a 6 year old Nintendo I dunno, but I got one and had no idea what coolness lie in the big box that held no Barbie or Barbie related products...

My Uncle Doug hooked it up for me and popped in the game combo it came with Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt.

It took me about two minutes of watching My Uncle Doug play to decide this thing was awesome.

I later got a Barbie game that was impossible to beat and some weird combo game my grandma bought off of HSN or QVC that had a Robin Hood and other game with a weird creature traveling through a pretty land taken over by sludge or something like that. I played every weekend I visited. When I wasn't cooking with grandma, tagging along with Grandpa in his work shop, orseeing my new cousin Nathan, I was playing Nintendo.

It was about two years later that my mom bought one during the summer I was grounded for a shoplifting incident I had. She bought it to have something to ground me from. I still have that one while the one my grandparents bought me is now hidden away in my mountain of dust and QVC junk at my grandparents.

I aquired a ton of new games when our family aquired Captain Poopy Pants. I thought it was crazy and frickin cool when he told me his games were all mine if I wanted, dude had a whole box em.

Everyone else was playing Super Nintendo, the Sega, and I was happily playing my Nintendo.

I played with Ernie's cool Super Nintendo, but always went back to my beloved original.

I'll be honest, I've been trying to talk my way into owning a Playstation or Game Cube, but facts is facts the Nintentdo is still the best.

Nothing beats being able to be a half inch tall italian who jumps on turtles and evil mushrooms.

harlemrain at 2:29 am

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