Friday, Aug. 13, 2004

My hand smells like onions...

My hand is on fi-ah.

I'm glad to be ride of the bandage, though as I admitted before the sympathy factor here at home was nice.

The wound, cut, incision whatever its called is actually better looking than I thought it would be, in fact if I ever get my smelly hand scrubbed like it needs and all the dead skin off (EW!) I'll bet it'll heal up fine with little scaring.

I think most of the pain is the fact that I haven't used my hand in two weeks.

Not much planned this weekend, I kinda feel as though I'm in mourning.

My summer's over and school starts Thursday.

My bigest issue with school is probably the fact that I have to get up and get some place on time and for some reason I can't seem to master that task.

It's not that I don't try. I do.

I've had days where I left my house in time to give me up to 30 minutes before class started but then I always get caught up in traffic, suprised with last minute construction, slowed by stupid people driving in weather, or what ever else the world can thrown in my path.

It's like a cosmic rule that I have to be late.

If I'm not late in route then I'm late at home from alarm clocks with minds of their own, a stomach that likes to be sick at the absolutely worst times, a dog that doddles when she diddles, or just my scatter brained nature forgetting stuff when I think I'm ready to go.

I'm not saying I'm a victim, just kinda perplexed how it always seems to work out that I'm late.

I think it's herditary, my moms never been on time either.

She even sets her alarm to start waking her up an hour before she really has to get up and rarely is she out the door at the projected 7:30, it's usually 7:40 or a little later.

Now there arm times I'll admit I doddle myself and end up late cause i'm not paying attention to the time, or I just have to watch two more music videos before I shower, or Ellen is just so damn funny I have to pause drying my hair to see what zany thing she'll do next.

But as a rule, it seems cosmicily set that I should be late.

I'm still working on resizing pictures for Part two of yesterday's entry.

In the process I've also been battling new computer demons.

Word of advice, don't get a Sony computer. They're poo.

Have a safe and happy weekend all, those on the coast stay safe and dry.

I'm going to enjoy the last of the Doris Day movies on TCM.

harlemrain at 11:21 pm

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