Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004


I feel like poo.

No more like flaming poo. Poo with killer heartburn.

Rather than getting my lazy ass out of bed and getting stuff done that I need and want to get done I sloth around the house getting nothing done other than adding more inches to my fat ass with my eating.

I haven't even started school yet and I've already started stress eating.

How retarded is that??

I have plans to stay up late as usual tonight and then get up early tomorrow so hopfully I can go to sleep when I force myself to go to bed tomorrow before 3 a.m.

It would figure that I start school on the day of the noon class wouldn't it?

My dad thinks we need to have lunch Friday.

He called me today and actually seemed worried about me and not insurance. My days of having health insurance and becoming numbered as I'm tired of dealing with the county's plan even though I don't even live with my dad. It makes things way to complicated and for me to learn how to deal witha ll this stuff it's easier if mom helps me see how it works and what not. I'm also tired of having to explain my various doctor visits and medication costs to him. He like ta shit himself when he found out what my meds cost and he still doesn't understand why I need birth control when it appears I'm never going to have anything that needs controling.

Anyhoo he called me to give me one last chance to change my mind about it as he had to go to Human Resources to tell them. He must have asked "Are you sure?" 15 times before I semi-convinced him I'd be ok and will find insurance.

"Ok... I just don't like the idea of you not having insurance. What if you get sick or hurt?"

"I'll be ok, I promise. Mom's heloping me find good insurance. If I can't find something permanent, theres a plan that covers six months and hopefully I'll know by then where I'm going to school fur sure."

" *sigh* Ok..if you're sure. This is it though, it most likely cuts off at the beginning of next month..."


"I just wanted to make sure you're sure, cause I don't wants omething to happen and you to be without insurance."

See? He's not all butt munch all the time. He can be a daddy sometimes.

And yes I do know that was a twisted why to have a touching moment, but if you'll take a second to remember who's diary you're reading it'll go back to seeming normal.

I'm gonna go finish my Pepsi in bed.

harlemrain at 3:45 am

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