Friday, Aug. 20, 2004

Second verse same of the first

So I had today all planned out last night.

I was going to get up around 1:30 or so and go to the gym to walk for half an hour to an hour.

Believe it not my lazy ass does like to walk. I'd run if my lung didn't act like they were going to explode.

I feel better when I walk, I think about things, I think about nothing, it's me time thats actually me time.

I didn't figure my dad was goingot hold up his promise of calling me for lunch and truthfully was hopeing he wouldn't.

I don't feel like seeing him right now, I'm emotional enough as it is just having to talk to him on the phone, I don't want to see him in person and have to try and force my body to digest his idea of a good lunch.

He didn't call and I hit the snooze the alotted 7 times so the alram stopped going off and I woke up feeling all kinds of groggy at 5 this afternoon.


So again I told myself, "I'll start it next week". knowing that not only will I probably not start next week, I won't think about it until it would be way too late to start next week.

I don't want to be fat, I don't want to be chubby. I wouldn't have to be chubby if I got my fat ass in gear.

I'm not looking for super model thin, I just don't want my stomach to jiggle more than my breasts when I pull my pants up.

I don't want to be 20 years old and eyeing the "slimming" panty hose.

I'm also tired of having the same grips with myself over and over.

So one last time, I'm thinking about starting a gym routine next week.

harlemrain at 10:48 pm

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