Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004

I'm mostly scared of JC Chasez...

I'm scared of my new cds.

I used my birthday money and credit card to purchase myself a whole slew of stuff at Borders this past week.

Among it all I bought four new cds and I've yet to listen to one of them.

I'm not completely sure where this fear came from, it developed about four or five months ago.

My fear is that I won't like them. I went out and spent 17.99 (RAPE! RAPE! RAPE! THESE PRICES ARE RAPE I TELL YA!!) a piece on these babies and now I risk not liking em. I tried to stay safe getting albums of artists I like a lot, but that just kinda scares me even more, cause now I risk finding work by a favored artist to be poo.

Oh tangled webs *dramatic sigh*

In other news my nails are pretty purple and I've still yet to resize my pictures.

Maybe I'll go do that now...

harlemrain at 11:19 pm

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