Monday, Jul. 21, 2003

My grandpa's a tough ol coot an' I love him fer it

Booya Grandpappy's goin home!

Tomorrow at this time my grandpa will be in the comfort of his own home.


I can't describe how happy I am right now knowing he's more than ok.

He's the happy, ornery, feeling good grandpa I remember from when I was younger.

I knew he was strong but this is amazing.

Three days after surgery and they were talking about releasing him tonight, but his surgeon wanted him to stay tonight so they could be sure his lungs were strong enough.

When dad and I got to the hospital this evening, he was walking the hall ways.

He said he was bored since his roommate went home today and he has no one to really talk to since his favorite nurse is off until Thursday.

It was so good to see him acting like he feels better.

So, things should be back to their regularly scheduled program here for the rest of the week and Sunday I�m going back to McPherson to try and keep grandpa out of trouble for a week or so.

harlemrain at 10:23 pm

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